Anthology group work 'The Unseen'

For our anthology asignment, my group and I decided to look at the theme of visions of the future, in response to the brief of 'The Unseen'. As well as sharing the same over-arching themes, we also wanted our stories to have aesthetic coherence in the zine, so we decided to stick to a mostly monochromatic colour palette with accented use of colour.

I created a short story exploring the idea of remote warfare, and toyed with the idea that in the future conflicts could be conducted like video games, like a very exaggerrated version of the kind of drone warfare currently used today. I wanted to create an image of the future where people fighting in wars are so detatched from their actions that they treat the very real people and place they're attacking as if they're just enemies in a video game with no real consequence. 

I also made the cover for our zine, it's supposed to depict TV screens with distorted ad abstract references to the content of our stories on them.



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