
 During a trip to Berlin last summer, I was fortunate enough to visit The Transdisciplinary Project Space or 'TopLab'; a facility in the city centre which works as a collaborative working space between artists and scientists. Here they work together to creative inventive solutions to modern day issues, particularly around sustainability. 

When I visited, the majority of their work was currently revolving around the use of fungi as a material for production and construction. They showed us how fungi can be grown in moulds to make things like packing material for shipping and even bricks and panels for insulation in buildings. 

We were toured around the lab and project space, a space that perfectly exemplified the idea of 'poetic science' as art materials and lab equipment lined the shelves and concept design sketches drawn up by the resident artists covered the walls. We were also shown the growing space in the basement; a cool dark room where large grow-bags filled with mycelium covered every shelf and surface. 

TopLab is a great example of what can be achieved when people from different practices with different expertise and skillsets come together to create innovations and solutions to some of the largest issues impacting us today. More information about their work around fungi can be found here.


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