Final Outcome

 I produced a small series of textile wall hangings as my final outcome. They combine several elements I've worked with throughout the project like print, clay modelling, painting and beading.

I started by painting images of shells and barnacles onto calico, and then fixed the paintings into embroidery rings before I added details like beading and clay pieces.

I tried to give each piece a different approach or technique while keeping them aesthetically similar enough to work as a series. 

I took colour scheme inspiration from the tones within the shells I collected. I originally started with blue tones but then branched out to overall cool tones that could compliment eachother.

I included different techniques I'd worked with throughout the project like print, this white one is probably one of my favourite of the hangings. I like how the simple monochromatic tones contrast the other colourful hangings.

I also used some of the 3D clay modelling I had experimented with earlier in the project. For this piece I modelled a shell out of clay, originally using a real shell as a mould, then I broke the clay model in places to better play with the ideas of decay I'd been thinking about in the project.

I also used some vein-like lines on this piece to reference the ideas of the body in parallel to the shell that I've been thinking about.

The pearls and gems used in these hangings are obviously a direct reference to the line about "sticky pearls" in Lady Lazarus, but are also symbolic of the ideas of beauty in live, death and loss that I've talked about a little before. I think using something generally considered to be beautiful and desirable to convey ideas of death is apt considering the often romantic, desirable way in which Sylvia Plath wrote about death and suicide. 


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