Project Final Work

For my final work for this project I wanted to create a small diorama of a hypothetical room inspired byt Kingsley Hall. I used mostly cardboard and masking tape painted with acrylic and some textile details like the cushions were made from fabric scraps, the rug was woven on a hand-loom.

It measures around 21cm tall, 29cm long and 21cm wide.

I wanted to make use of lots of different prints and patterns, to capture the hectic feeling that Kingsley Hall was often described to have.

I included details like the DSM-3, which was the latest edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorders) at the time in the mid 60's. I also looked up best selling books of the time for the books on the bookcase, and I looked for headlines from 1965 for the newspaper on the table. I made the cigarette smoke out of pulled-apart cotton wool.

I use Mary Barnes' paintings as a reference for the mural along the walls, and I made small Rorschach Test-style images to put on the wall, as this was a popular method in psychiatry at the time.


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