
 As I had problems with meeting this deadline and completing this project, it's hard to evaluate it as a full project. I didn't get to complete all of the work I intended to, so I will instead just evaluate the quality of the research, development and final work I did complete.

I orginally set out to explore different points of view towards mental illness and treatment throughout different time periods. While I didn't find this a difficult topic to research as I already had an existing interest in it, and so had a decent amount of reference material to go off, I did find it difficult to narrow down my research as this is such a huge subject. Early on in the project I found myself feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information I was looking into, and I think this inhibited my early development work. 

I did however thoroughly enjoy looking into this subject, areas like biblical attitides were new to me and I found this to be very interesting, I was also able to put my knowledge about the occult to use in this area so that was helpful in guiding my development. 

The main part of this project I enjoyed was creating my diorama; creating all the small details and coming up with creative ways to form each object was incredibly satisfying work. I do however think, as this was a very time consuming piece, it probably wasn't great for my time management. I do find that I tend to hyper-focus on ideas that I really like, and once I decided to create this diorama I got a bit distracted with it and didn't really think about showing my process to how I got there, this is a problem I need to be more aware of in future. 

Overall I am pleased with the quality of some of the work I have produced, however I am sorely disappointed that I haven't been able to finish this project in it's entirety, as this is a topic I find very personally compelling and would love to have explored futher.


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