Narrative Development: 'Squirm' concertina

 'Squirm' is another short I created inspired by an old sketchbook drawing. With this short I didn't just want to create a comic I also wanted to play around with some concertina binding techniques. 

This is another very simple short, this time about a boy who eats a worm and then turns into a pile of worms. I'm finding that I really enjoy these kinds of narrative pieces; very simple horror stories where the focus is less on any real plot or characters and more just on strange concepts and interesting ideas. I've found narrative work difficult in the past because I find myself getting caught up on certain aspects that are necessary to a more traditional story structure, that just don't interest me. But with this more bare-bones approach I'm finding it a lot more engaging as I'm able to explore my ideas without feeling tied down to a more long-form structure. 

I developed this mock-up into a full concertina, however due to time constraints I was unfortunately unable to finish it. I've attatched images of the completed panels.


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