
Showing posts from May, 2023


 My presentation is in google slides, it can be found here .

Website and Business Card Redesigns

 I originally designed both my business cards and website quite quickly last year, I made them initially just to have something more professional to show to people at the events I was attending, and also to make myself more appealing to event organisers when applying for markets and conventions. I used imagery that I had to hand at the time, and was happy with how it turned out, but I have since redesigned my website in order to better reflect the ideas and aesthetics of my handmade accessory brand  Below are some screenshots of my website before reworking it, you can find it in it's current rendition here  it's still very much a work in progress and will probably continue to change and evolve as my practice does. Also below are images of my redesigned business cards, I'm currently waiting on these to be printed and delivered.

Website and social links

Website Instagram Depop Etsy

Professional Practice Report

Rebecca East Professional Practice Report. Throughout this module, and over the past year or so outside of study, I have spent a lot of time developing not only my practice as an illustrator but also the small business I have recently started. I began making prints of my artwork alongside small handmade accessories last year and selling these at events like art fairs and conventions across the UK, I’ve found a decent amount of success with this so far and intend to continue this into the future. My main focus professionally has been on marketing and selling my handmade works online and at events. I started quite small with this, taking part in a few small local events alongside other students, and from that I grew the confidence to start selling as an individual. Over the past 8 months I have sold my work at over a dozen events across the UK, including CMYK Festival, Bath Craft and Flea, Brixton Create Showcase and Outertown Festival, and I have more, larger events upcoming like Bristo