
Showing posts from May, 2022

Final Outcome

 I produced a small series of textile wall hangings as my final outcome. They combine several elements I've worked with throughout the project like print, clay modelling, painting and beading. I started by painting images of shells and barnacles onto calico, and then fixed the paintings into embroidery rings before I added details like beading and clay pieces. I tried to give each piece a different approach or technique while keeping them aesthetically similar enough to work as a series.  I took colour scheme inspiration from the tones within the shells I collected. I originally started with blue tones but then branched out to overall cool tones that could compliment eachother. I included different techniques I'd worked with throughout the project like print, this white one is probably one of my favourite of the hangings. I like how the simple monochromatic tones contrast the other colourful hangings. I also used some of the 3D clay modelling I had experimented with earlier in

'Ariel' Inspired prints

 I recently picked up a hardback copy of 'Ariel', the poetry collection that Lady Lazarus was originally published in. This edition of the collection has a beautiful cover illustration by Sarah Young, and appears to have been produced through some form of relief print, possibly wood or lino cut. This cover prompted me to look at more of Sarah Young's work, and I found that she produces lots of very intricate and stylised relief prints. Having done quite a bit of printwork myself, I thought this could be a nice avenue to experiment with when trying to create imagery based around Lady Lazarus. Of course, since this is an abstract project, I don't want to be too literal with my interpretations. I could very easily make somge prints of gold teeth and and bones and fire, but I think sticking to the sea imagery I've been working with, and taking that a little further, could be more interesting. I started off making a couple of rubber stamps that could be layered onto a la


'Ariel' Inspired prints Southport Seashells