
Showing posts from April, 2022

Storytelling workshop: 'The Rats in The Walls' Diorama

 As a part of Jayde and Til's Storytelling workshop early in the module, we were briefed to choose a short piece of written work like a song, poem or short story and create a visual narrative in response to it. I chose H.P Lovecraft's short story 'The Rats in the Walls', and I decided I wanted to respond to it through a 3D model. At this point in the module, I already knew I wanted to work with 3D media, and I was interested in creating miniatures and dioramas, so I thought this could be a good opportunity to experiment with some different media and techniques that I could use later in my project.  I started by looking at the text and picking out key exerpts that contained detailed visual descriptions. I quickly decided that this model was only going to visually represent a key scene or general theme of the story, as the text is far too long to retell in it's entirety for a workshop exercise; so I settled on the idea of a two 'panel' narrative, with the mode


Storytelling workshop: 'The Rats in the Walls' Diorama Anthology brief Final Outcome development